Spots in Saitama Area

  • Mitsumine-jinja Shrine
    437 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Chichibushi Mitsumine 298-1
    Mitsumine-jinja Shrine (literally meaning “three peaks shrine”), so called by that name because of the three peaks of Mt. Kumotori, Mt. Shiraiwa and Mt. Myohogatake which can be seen overlooking the eastern side of the shrine are beautifully positioned in a line. The god worshipped at the shrine is in fact Gokenzoku, the wolf and so the shrine is affectionately known as the Oinusama, meaning “honorable wolf deity”. There is also Mitsumineyama Museum in the shrine’s precincts with exhibits and treasures relating to mountain worship and temple retreat on display.

    秩父の山々、木々等の自然の息吹を感じることが出来る神社。日本に今も息づく『山岳信仰』を直に感じることが出来る。 三峰山周辺は、現在は絶滅したとされている『ニホンオオカミ』の生息地の一つとして知られており、そのため狼が、神社の眷属として神社の各所で見ることが出来る。境内のほぼ全ての領域が杉の木で覆われており、まさに森の中を散策しているような感覚を覚えるが、少なくとも本殿のある領域は参道は整備されてい...

  • Musashi Ichinomiya Hikawa-jinja Shrine
    447 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Saitamashi Omiya-ku Takahanachou 1-407
    Founded over 2,400 years ago, Hikawa-jinja Shrine is famous for its “Hikawa Gagaku-kai,” which was organized in 1935. This society performs ancient court music known as gagaku at the shrine’s festivals. Although it is also held in the spring, the annual kangetsu (moon viewing) gagaku performance at the shrine’s music pavilion in the fall lets visitors enjoy a fantastic autumn evening with a performance that blends kagura and kangen dance.

    境内の周囲は住宅地であるのに、境内は木々が生い茂っている自然豊かな神社です。武蔵国の中で最も格式の高い一宮の神社ですが、いわゆる高い格式に伴う排他的な雰囲気は無く、1時間もあれば全て周遊できる程度の境内の広さです。年末年始であれば初詣客で混雑しますが、それ以外の季節は特に神事を始めイベントでもない限り、休日でもそれほど混雑しておらず、ゆっくりと境内を散策することが出来ます。 神社そのものは大宮駅...

  • Saitama Super Arena
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Saitamashi Chuou-ku Shintoshin 8
    Saitama Super Arena is used as the site for many concerts and sporting events. Keyaki Hiroba, located adjacent to the arena and stadium, contains a number of cafes, taverns, and other eating and drinking establishments. The presence of a convenience store and a drugstore make the site especially convenient. Inside the arena is a temporary daycare center, so that parents can enjoy concerts and events without worrying about their children.
  • Chichibu-jinja Shrine
    276 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Chichibushi Bambamachi 1-3
    The ancient and historic Chichibu-jinja Shrine, is a Saitama Prefecture designated Tangible Cultural Property, famous for its well preserved main hall, gifted by Tokugawa Ieyasu in 1592. The Chichibu Night Festival, held annually on December 3, is a National Important Intangible Folk Cultural Property, and is one of the Big Three Japanese Shrine Float Festivals along with the Gion Festival in Kyoto and Hida Takayama Festivals in Gifu Prefecture.

    秩父地方の総鎮守である神社です。12月初旬に開催される『秩父夜祭』は、秩父神社の例祭の一つであり、初詣に匹敵する賑わいを見せますが、祭りが開催されない日でも(それが平日であっても)参拝者は比較的多く、秩父観光の折等で参拝する人が多いように見られます。 最寄り駅は秩父鉄道の秩父駅ですが、西武秩父駅、及び御花畑駅からでも徒歩で行くには特に苦にならない距離です。 創建は3世紀後半から4世紀ごろとされてい...

  • Mitsui Shopping Park LaLaport Fujimi
    93 Reviews
    Saitama Pref. Fujimishi Yamamuro 1-1313
    A shopping mall situated along National Route 254 in Yamamuro, Fujimi City. The three story mall is host to some 290 establishments, including fashionable apparel shops, lifestyle accessory stores, food shops, restaurants, a food court, and amusement facilities like a movie theater. There's also an outdoor dog park, running course, and park.

    First shopping mall in the area but most of the visitors are not locals. Convenient with all sorts of shops and restaurants. Makes you feel like repeating visits there whenever you have time.

  • Tobu Zoo
    192 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Saitama Pref. Minamisaitamagunmiyashiromachi Suka 110
    This is a zoo and amusement park in Suka, Miyashiro Town, Minami-Saitama County. There are 120 species and 1,200 animals kept at the zoo including white tigers and brown bears, and there are roller coasters and rides suitable for children in the amusement park. Also there are a number of restaurants and stores. There is also a large outdoor pool facility called the “Tobu Super Pool” within the grounds.

    Wide range of animal including elephants, white tiger and lions and even penguins. Can see animals in close distance and interact with rabbit, kangaroos and ducks, sheep. Lots of fun specially with...

    Leisure / Hobbies
    Saitama Pref. Tokorozawashi Kamiyamaguchi 2135
    A stadium located near the Seibukyujo-mae Station in Kamiyamaguchi, Tokorozawa City. The stadium is home to the Seibu Lions professional baseball team, boasting a history of nearly 40 years since 1979. On site is the Seibu second stadium, a soccer park, tennis courts, and an indoor kid’s park. Visitors to the stadium can enjoy more than 1,000 kinds of food at shops both inside and outside the stadium and in the Owner’s Restaurant (restricted to season ticket holders, etc.).
  • Tokorozawa Aviation Memorial Park
    193 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Saitama Pref. Tokorozawashi Namiki 1-13
    The first site of aviation in Japan, the Tokorozawa Aviation Memorial Park opened in 1978. Located amidst its expansive grounds is the Tokorozawa Aviation Memorial Hall, a baseball field, tennis courts and other sports facilities, an outdoor stage, and a Japanese Garden Tea House, this park is bustling with many people.

    Koku Koen park is just a short walk from central Tokorozawa and its train station. Although the aviation museum is a central attraction this park has so much more to offer. It is very big and has...

  • Mitsui Outlet Park Iruma
    Saitama Pref. Irumashi Miyadera 3169-1
    An outlet mall with numerous children-oriented shops; on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays a miniature railroad for kids operates, and the mall bustles with families. Convenient non-stop busses connect the mall to JR Tachikawa Station and Hakonegasaki Station. There are also many limited time only shops, ensuring you’re sure to find something new each time you visit.
  • Nagatoro River White Water Rafting
    169 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Chichibugunnagatoromachi Nagatoro 489-2
    This traditional river rafting tour is offered each year from around March 10 to early December. Customers can choose between three courses - from Oyahana Bridge to Iwadatami, from Iwadatami to Takasago Bridge, and one course traveling the full length from Oyahana Bridge to Takasago Bridge. No advance reservation is required and tours leave every five to 20 minutes. A special limited time tour is also offered in winter which has riders sit in a toasty-warm kotatsu (heated table with a blanket).

    Took the long (in terms of time) train trip out to Nagatoro on a beautiful day, looking forward spending time on the river, planning to do both routes. When we arrived, we were told that I...

  • Roadside Station Kajukoen Ashigakubo
    65 Reviews
    Saitama Pref. Chichibugunyokozemachi Ashigakubo 1915-6
    A roadside station standing in front of Ashigakubo Station along National Route 299 in Ashigakubo, Yokoze Town, Chichibu County. Facilities include a farm fresh shop selling produce from local farms and other foods; two restaurants serving Chichibu's famous miso potatoes, zuriage udon noodles, and other local dishes; an activity facility where visitors can learn how to make ceramics and soba and udon noodles; a gallery; and shower rooms. The adjoining Mizube no Cafe serves a popular premium soft serve ice cream.


  • Kawagoe Castle Honmaru Palace
    183 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Kawagoeshi Kuruwamachi 2-13-1
    A historic structure located in 2-Chome Kuruwa-machi, Kawagoe City. The palace was built in 1848 by Matsudaira Naritsune, then lord of Kawagoe Domain. Today, the palace's entranceway and reception hall as well as the transplanted and restored chief retainer's office are the only original parts of Kawagoe Castle which still stand today. The palace is used as a museum containing exhibits on Kawagoe Domain. Visitors can purchase a joint museum pass which also grants access to the nearby Kawagoe City Museum and Kawagoe City Art Museum.

    Walking through the rooms of this magical residence of the first Shogun is a truly fantastic experience. At every step the tatami postpones the stories and legends of the Edo period. The beauty of...

  • Hodosan-jinja Shrine
    175 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Chichibugunnagatoromachi Nagatoro 1828
    Hodosan-jinja Shrine with its soothing atmosphere is blessed by the gracefully shaped Mt. Hodo and the beauty of its four seasons. The shrine buildings include the Honden (main sanctuary), Heiden (hall of offerings), and Haiden (hall of worship), constructed in the Gongen-zukuri style. There are many wooden carvings, including the “Nijushiko,” on the transoms. The kami enshrined here with beautiful statues are virtuous ones offering protection against fire and theft.

    . I visited here in order to see sakura flowers(Cherry blossoms).I visited here on April 16th 2019.Usually, people can see the flowers in the early April.There is a tourist information center beside...

  • Musashi-Kyuryo National Government Park
    123 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Saitama Pref. Hikigunnamegawamachi Yamata 1920
    Japan’s first National Park. It was created as part of the centennial celebration of the Meiji Restoration. Roughly three million square meters in size—enough to fit about sixty-five Tokyo Domes—the park includes Japan’s largest air trampoline, a playground, athletic equipment, a barbeque spot, an area for viewing all kinds of plant life, from cherry trees to camellia and plum trees. There is also a cycling course and other facilities. You can enjoy them all regardless of age all day in the park.

    Great spot, sure you have to pay to get in but it is well worth it. Go early and plan to stay for the whole day. Take a picnic lunch. Our children 1st and 2nd graders loved it. Highlights were the...

  • Kawagoe Hikawa Shrine
    1 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Kawagoeshi Miyashitamachi 2-11
    Kawagoe Hikawa Shrine is said to be over 1,500 years old. The main deity venerated here is Susanoo-no-Mikoto, often worshiped as the god of harmonious families, matrimonial happiness and matchmaking. One popular item is the charm for forming good relationships, made to resemble the red thread that represents the power of the god of matchmaking.

    氷川神社の大鳥居をくぐると直ぐの右手に鎮座しています。 西南戦争以降の川越出身の戦没者2970柱の英霊が祀られています。 特に、江戸幕府との繋がりが強かった故の旧川越藩士たちの微妙な立ち位置を考えさせられました。 西南の役出征日に因む4月12日を例祭日として慰霊祭が催行されるようです。 こちらの社殿は、他の境内社とは一線を画し、神社御神域の御社として大切に管理されています。

  • Roadside Station Chichibu
    106 Reviews
    Saitama Pref. Chichibushi Omiya 4625
    The center of sightseeing along the Chichibuji road, Roadside Station Chichibu is a popular road station that sells souvenirs unique to Chichibu and has restaurants where you can taste local cuisine. Chichibu no Mizu, a fountain with water sourced from an Arakawa River tributary (Urayama River) and groundwater from Mt. Buko, has safe and delicious water cleaned through slow sand filtration. Feel free to take some home.

    There is a restaurant and a lunch counter, but we just made a quick stop to pick up the Local Iwana Oshizushi (pressed river fish sushi eaten with ginger, not wasabi) Obentos. They also have the...

  • The Railway Museum
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Saitama Pref. Saitamashi Omiya-ku Onarichou 3-47
    The Railway Museum is located near Tetsudo Hakubutsukan Station in Onaricho, Omiya Ward, Saitama City. Built to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the founding of JR East, The Railway Museum undertakes preservation and research work in relation to both Japanese and international railways. Using exhibits of real railway locomotives from different eras, as well as train-driving simulators etc., the Museum enables visitors to learn about both the history of railways and the latest rail technology.
  • Shirakobato Water Park
    45 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Saitama Pref. Koshigayashi Osogawa 985
    Located in a rural area that straddles both Koshigaya City and Iwatsuki City, ShirakobatoAquatic Park is a prefectural park named after the official prefectural bird, theshirakobato (collared dove). This 21.5 hectare park contains nine swimming pools, including one with flowing water and one with a slide. Other recreational facilities include barbecue areas, a fishing area, and a miniature golf course. These facilities make the park popular across generations, especially with family groups.

    not easy to access without car my first experience in japan water park :this park is basic, not WOW for me (there is a lot of exciting water park in my country). However i really love the largest...

  • Tove Jansson Akebono Children's Forest Park
    109 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Saitama Pref. Hannoushi Azu 893-1
    Tove Jansson Akebono Children's Forest Park is a Moomin-themed park in an attractively planted environment. The Moomin Mansion, three stories plus a basement, a large, warm, wooden building centered on a fireplace, is a place for excited children to explore. The Forest House is a museum that displays materials about the life of children's author Tove Jansen, and there is a library on the second floor. Near the entrance to the park is a children's theater, popular with children for the musical events and story readings are held.

    This park is 20mins walk away from Motokaji station. You will see the moomin after passing by the stadium & walking thru the stadium open parking lot. A small little park with Moomin building...

  • Sakitama Kofun Park
    102 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Gyoudashi Sakitama 4834
    A public park situated along Prefectural Route 77 in Sama, Gyoda City. The park encloses the Sakitama Burial Mounds, a group of several large ancient burial mounds which includes the Maruhakayama Burial Mound and the Futagoyama Burial Mound. Park facilities include the Shogunyama Burial Mound Exhibit Hall, the Museum of the Sakitama Ancient Burial Mounds, a public square, botanical garden, and rest house. The park is also a popular destination for viewing cherry blossoms in the spring.

    Partial archaeological excavations have found that Inariyama Tumulus belongs to an important lord or owake who served Wakatakeru no Ookimi. Wakatakeru inscribed in the iron sword buried in the...

Saitama Areas


Eclipsed by neighboring Tokyo, Saitama is often branded as the sleepy suburbs. However, look a little deeper and you’ll uncover quaint towns bursting with history and crafts from the kurazukuri Edo-period clay houses of Kawagoe to the ancient tree-enveloped temples of Chichibu.

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