What to Eat in Miyagi



What to Eat in Miyagi
  • Thanks to its location near spacious farmlands, world class rice fields and an abundant ocean, eating in Miyagi prefecture is unlike anywhere else in the world let alone Japan. Whether you want to taste the freshest seafood in the country or challenge your previous preconceptions by digging into a dish of beef tongue, the prefecture has it all. The one trick about Miyagi is you just need to know where to go.

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    Soba crepes at Denden Soba

    Soba crepes at Denden Soba

    Soba crepes at Denden Soba

    Though it may not be the first dish to come to mind when thinking about Miyagi, you can't visit the area with trying some delicious fresh soba crepes from Denden Soba in Naruko Onsen. This popular and classic soba restaurant of course serves the classic dishes, but it's these savory crepes that really push the envelope when it comes to delicious soba creations. Filled with egg, vegetables, mushrooms, and bacon, they're the perfect breakfast to kick start your day or an ideal warm lunchtime treat.

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    Yukitakeya’s rice crackers

    Yukitakeya’s rice crackers

    Yukitakeya’s rice crackers

    Sitting opposite the ferry terminal near Matsushima Bay is a rather unassuming culinary hot spot, the Matsushima Yukitakeya souvenir and gift store. A bakery and gift shop this classic little store sells stylish home wares, cute gifts, handmade jewellery and baked goods. The store's must try offering is arguably their senbei (toasted rice crackers). Once a restaurant and Manju (sweet Japanese cake) store this building is overflowing with character and history. The fresh baked senbei often sit at the front of the store and are sold for 300 yen each, so there's no excuse not to pick one up.

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    Now if you haven't tried gyutan (grilled beef tongue) then you haven't really experienced Miyagi to its fullest. This famous and rather divisive dish is actually relatively new in Japan's history. The dish came into being during post war Japan, when a local yakiniku chef Keishiro Sano realized the could make more money and reduce waste by cooking up the tails and tongues of beef left behind US occupation forces. There are abundant places to try Gyutan, however Aji Tasuke offers some of the best. Simple no frills high quality meat expertly cooked, don't miss it.

    Aji Tasuke
    Miyagi Pref. Sendaishi Aoba-ku Ichibanchou 4-4-13
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    Zunda soybean paste

    Zunda soybean paste

    Zunda soybean paste

    If beef tongue is a little too intense for you then maybe consider trying out zunda, the bright green sweet soybean paste. Made from young soybeans that have been seconded with sugar and salt this vegetable dessert dish is unique to Sendai specifically. There are a number of ways to explore the world of zunda, from cakes to mochi to even thickshakes and ice-cream, the options are pretty much limitless and they're all undeniably delicious.

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    Local cuisine at Kokeshi Izayaka

    Local cuisine at Kokeshi Izayaka

    Local cuisine at Kokeshi Izayaka

    Finally if you want a broad selection of what this diverse culinary hub has to offer, there's no better place to visit than the local izakaya. Named after the famous dolls that populate the area Kokeshi Izayaka is a no frills bar and restaurant that offers everything you’re after in a local food haunt. Great service, cold beers and incredible locally sourced dishes, it doesn’t matter whether you’re visiting for a quick bite or planning to stay all night, Kokeshi Izayaka is an unforgettable dining experience.

    Local cuisine at Kokeshi Izayaka

    Local cuisine at Kokeshi Izayaka

    Kokeshi Soba Sake shop Bo
    Shiogama, Miyagi Prefecture city Akasaka 19-3
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